• Welcome to Enspiral!

    More people working on stuff that matters

  • There’s as many definitions of Enspiral as there are people in Enspiral.

    "Enspiral is a network of groups and people, a DIY collective of social enterprises, ventures, and individuals working collaboratively across the world while fulfilling their purpose…"


    It's all in service of the vision that began it all..


    "More people working on stuff that matters" ​

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  • The financial model of Enspiral relies on the community supporting the core expenses with an on-going contribution.

    You are free to choose the contribution that works for you and recognises the value you receive

  • Choose a contribution that works for you :)

    All contributions are costed in NZD. Exclusive of GST.

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    What does the value exchange actually look like?

    Different for everyone. Defined by you.

    Enspiral provides value very differently to everyone in the community.


    Over time we have built a strong shared understanding of the costs to keep our community stable.


    You can explore the core costs that your contribution covers in detail here


    As contributors to Enspiral we all have the autonomy to decide how we each want to contribute to these costs.


    The value exchange is often an ongoing conversation for everyone in the community, reach out to anyone in the network for more perspective.

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    Our handbook

    Shared clarity about core agreements and processes

    Our handbook holds all our formalised open agreements, guides and acts as a shared framework for how we govern the community.


    This is a living document that you are welcome to update and contribute towards.


  • Have Questions?

    Read this FAQ document

    If you still have questions, you can get touch with the friendly ops team below. They have all the answers :)